आपराधिक आशय - aparadhik ashay meaning in hindi

Suggested :
नषाना | do |
By law, French censuses do not ask questions regarding ethnicity or religion | |
घामड़ | child |
Morocco historically has utilized child labor on a large scale. | |
मिलना | connected |
Some 80% of the population in the islands is connected by under-ocean tunnels | |
झकझौल | shock |
The shock numbed her senses | |
पजरन | light |
In his final years he suffered from extreme sensitivity to light |
aparadhik ashay
अक्षरों की संख्या: 11 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
aaparaadhika aashaya
Related spellings : aaparaadhik aashay,aparadhik ashay
Related spellings : aaparaadhik aashay,aparadhik ashay
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